Prowell Product Information
All meal replacement products under Prowell group are created by nutritional principle. The key points are to complete and control the balancing of all nutrients, supplements in each patient?s condition in order to enrich health and support the medical treatment. There are 3 categories
Category 1 :
The Meal Replacement (MR) There are complete 5 groups nutrition and balance portions for specific purpose.
1. Slimwell : MR for Weight Loss and Control with high protein and Fiber, Low Fat and Carbohydrate. Low calorie, plus accelerate energy burning supplements and prevent deterioration supplements. No yoyo-effect after stop. A clinical Test approved by well-known Government hospital with NCDs patients. There are 3 flavors choices; corn, coffee, green tea.
2. Nutrawell : A standard formula MR for Aging and general healthy person. Complete nutrition with good for delay aging symptoms like osteoporosis, constipation, Artherosclerosis, immune system deficiency, sight and memory symptom, etc. It's also a good idea present for visiting parent, beloved person and recovery patients as well as good for giving to monk. Corn flavor choice.
3. Glycowell : MR for diabetes patient. Contain good nutrients for pancreas healing and enhance insulin activity. Control blood sugar level. Also prevent the complication diseases from diabetes that may penetrate to other organs such as kidney or eye. Corn flavor choice.
4. Prediawell : MR for chronic kidney Disease contain supplement which enrich and reduce work loading of kidney. Prevent kidney deteriorated too fast into stage 5 (dialysis stage). As well as many supplements to prevent complication diseases to other organs from poor kidney function. Corn flavor choice.
5. Postdiawell : MR for stage 5 kidney failure and must to get dialysis program. There is complete nutrition with balancing nutrient suit for person after dialysis process. Many supplements that nourish to kidney and prevent from complication diseases to other organs from poor kidney. Corn flavor choice.
6. Bmunewell : The MR that created for stimulation immune system to alert and ability to get rid of all microorganism and healing ability body like aging, cancer, SLE and HIVs patients, bloody injury from accident or big surgery. Many immune activators contained for boost up immunity. Corn flavor choice.
7. Respawell : MR for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) like Lung disease, tuberculosis, asthma, emphysema. It calculated the best ratio of nutrient for lung. Reduce CO2 but increasing O2 to help breathing. Supplement for lung health and enhancing lung's muscle synthesizing.
Category 2 :

1. Betaglucan : Extracted from yeast for stimulating immune system
2. Milk Calcium Complex : For bone and teeth building. The best source calcium that highest bioavailable than others.
3. Fish Collagen Hydrolysate : Skin and joint enrichment
4. Plant Sterol : Reduce blood cholesterol and increase blood circulation in Prostatic hyperplasia patient.
5. Omega3 : Reducing blood triglyceride, increase immunity, reduce infected and inflammation.
6. Inulin : A prebiotic solubility fiber that enhance good bacteria in intestine, relieve constipation, prevent colon cancer, colon conditioner.
KR bonafide : Capsule form 9 types
1. Betaglucan : Extracted from yeast for stimulating immune system
2. MilkCal D : For bone and teeth building. The best source calcium that highest bioavailable than others. Enhanced with Vitamin D.
3. TruCollagen : Skin and joint enrichment
4. Plant Sterol : Reduce blood cholesterol and increase blood circulation in Prostatic hyperplasia patient.
5. TruOmeg3 : Reducing blood triglyceride, increase immunity, reduce infected and inflammation
6. Inulin : A prebiotic solubility fiber that enhance good bacteria in intestine, relieve constipation, prevent colon cancer, colon conditioner.
7. TruFIT : L-carnitine will carry fat to burn for energy. Increase working power, sport, weight loss and essence for child growth.
8. Altramore : Antioxidant complex for delaying body deterioration, reduce freckle, blemish, protect cancer. Add glutathione for shiny skin.
9. Vitamore bace : Vitamin complex for preventing disease, infected, strong health. Add L-Arginine to dilate artery.
Category 3 :
Health & Muscle building
1. ProMAX#1 : Whey Protein Concentrate (WPC 80%) A good source of protein obtained from milk. Contain essential amino acid for health and Muscle building. Less fat and lactose.
2. ProMAX#2 : Whey Protein Isolate (WPI) The top protein of all protein obtained from milk. Contain highest 90% protein contain essential amino acid for health and muscle building. No fat and Lactose.